Classified Help and Information 


To submit a classified ad complete the following steps
  1. Complete Membership form and submit.
  2. Your return page from Membership form will contain your User/Main-Id and password with a link to activate your classifieds..
  3. Be Sure to print your page with Username/Main-Id and Password or write them down. Also look for your Membership Email!
  4. Then use Main-Id from email to create and submit/post your classified ad.
  5. Be sure to save your Membership email. It has your Main-Id and Password.

Classified Ad form variable list definitions
  1. Main-Id -- This is the same thing as a username. You will need this to create and edit ads.
  2. Email -- This is your email that folks can contact you with. It should be the same email that was submitted in the membership form.
  3. County -- This is the County-MainCity/area where the item for sale is located. Folks will know in advance how far they have to drive to look at an item.
  4. Category -- This variable is very important. You must choose your category carefully. If you put an item in a nonrelated category it will make it hard for folks to find the ad in search results.
  5. Keywords -- Choose single words that relate to your item. Car Example: you need words like: year,color,make,model,transmission type,motor type,ac,model,milage, etc... Make sure the keywords are separated by commas with no spaces.
  6. Ad Item Title -- A brief title for the item. This is in bold print. Example: 65 Ford Falcon, 99 Maytag Fridge, etc...
  7. Ad Item Description -- Give a detailed description and contact info. Example: price, phone, time to call, model, color, age, year, make, etc...
  8. Image Link -- If you have an image of the Ad item for sale on the internet already, you can put a link to the image or a web page the image is on here.

Classifed Edit Information
  • There is a link to edit every classified ad in each category's search results.
  • You can click "Edit your Ads" anywhere on the website and you get a list of all your ads with a link to edit each ad. This is also the way to review your ads and the category they are in.
  • You need your Main-Id and Password to edit your classified ads.
  • When you edit your classified ad a form will display with all of your existing ad form variables. (from above) At this point your ad is still the same nothing has changed. You can make changes then submit the edit form and your ad will reflect the new changes.
  • Select Status Option -- The status variable can be hot or cold. When the ad is submitted the status is set as hot. When the status is cold the ad will not show in the search results. When the status is hot it will show in the search results. If an items sales for an existing ad and you don't have an item to replace it with, set the status to cold. This will hide the item in the search results. When you have another item to sale you can recall the ad and use the edit function to change your ad info and change status to hot.

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